PFAN is a network dedicated to social justice for parents and families affected by the child protection system in the UK. It was started by a small group of people who are concerned at the growing oppression of children and families carried out, often with the best of intentions, in the name of child protection. PFAN seeks an end to child protection as we know it and for a fundamental change from child protection and rescue to child rights that strengthens family and community.
To contact, please fill out the contact form available here.
Where they operate
Organization Type
Main Areas of Work
What They Do
PFAN hopes to bring together gatherings of people who recognise that the current child protection system is oppressive, including:
- professionals in social work, health, law, police and others working in the system;
- community members and activists;
- local and national politicians; and most importantly
- parents and children
PFAN provides parent advocacy and support in specific areas of child protection, including adoption, visiting children in care, and child protection law.