PUSKAPA Center on Child Protection and Wellbeing

PUSKAPA works to help policy makers improve children's access to health, education, justice, and social care in Indonesia. PUSKAPA is composed of an inter-disciplinary team of academics and practitioners from Indonesia and abroad. They pursue their goals through three interrelated set of activities: Research, Policy Advocacy, and Capacity Building.

Where they operate

Headquarters Location

Pusat Kajian & Advokasi Perlindungan & Kualitas Hidup Anak, Universitas Indonesia Gedung Nusantara II FISIP, Lantai 1 Kampus UI
West Java 16424

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


PUSKAPA works to help policy makers improve children's access to health, education, justice, and social care in Indonesia. PUSKAPA is composed of an inter-disciplinary team of academics and practitioners from Indonesia and abroad. They pursue their goals through three interrelated set of activities: Research, Policy Advocacy, and Capacity Building.