Women & Men Against Child Abuse is a non-profit Child Protection Organisation committed to fighting for the rights of the child and to end the abuse of children in South Africa, through a multifaceted, dynamic and aggressive offensive against any form of abuse and gender violence.
Where they operate
Organization Type
Main Areas of Work
What They Do
Under the umbrella body of WMACA there are three Kidz Clinics – in Alexandra, Boksburg, and Pretoria – and various prevention and diversion programmes to assist abused children. Besides actual service delivery WMACA is very vocal in its advocacy role, using the media and other platforms to highlight any injustices that abused children have to endure through inadequate judicial processes.
The main objective of the Kidz Clinics is to provide FREE Medical and therapeutic intervention and treatment services to abused children and to provide a one-stop holistic basket of services to abused and vulnerable children and their parents, and to educate and empower other children, to prevent abuse.