
This section highlights academic and institutional literature, reports, and other resources focused on international volunteering, tourism, and donations in residential care centres. For academic resources on international volunteering more generally, please visit, and For resources on residential care, please consult the BCN library. 

Displaying 1 - 10 of 121

Rebecca Nhep,

The article explores the implications of the use of clientelism in orphanage trafficking for prevention efforts, child protection governance reforms, and rehabilitation of children whose perception of exploitation and victimization has been shaped by their socialization to clientelism norms

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

This thematic brief contains guidance on key policy measures and concrete steps that may assist with the development and implementation of a whole-of-government strategy to eliminate orphanage tourism and voluntourism and to combat orphanage trafficking. It includes recommendations relevant to volunteer-sending and volunteer-receiving countries. In addition, it contains practical examples of effective measures from a diverse range of countries sending and receiving volunteers.

Better Care Network, Griffith University - Law Futures Centre,

This is a list of indicators of acts: Unlawful Removal, Recruitment, and Transfer of a Child into a Residential Care Institution

Better Care Network, Griffith University - Law Futures Centre,

Results from the Enhancing Identification, Prosecution and Prevention of Orphanage Trafficking Study in Cambodia.

Better Care Network, Griffith University - Law Futures Centre,

This document provides clear definitions of what orphanage trafficking is and how to detect this kind of exploitation.

Better Care Network, Griffith University - Law Futures Centre,

This is a list of indicators of acts: Unlawful Removal, Recruitment, and Transfer of a Child into a Residential Care Institution

Rebecca Nhep, Dr Kate van Doore,

This study was conducted as a part of a multi-stage, multi-country project designed to enhance the identification, prosecution, and prevention of orphanage trafficking crimes. It was the second of four stages to be conducted in Cambodia as one of three jurisdictions included in the study.

UNICEF, Eurochild,

These presentations from UNICEF and Eurochild were delivered during the June 25 2021 workshop of the Care Measurement Task Force. The focus of the workshop was the development of the residential care toolkit (led by UNICEF) and care measurement in the EU region.

Amanda R. Hiles Howard, Megan Roberts, Jacqueline N. Gustafson & Nicole Gilbertson Wilke - Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment,

The goal of the present study was to provide data on pre-trip preparation, in-country activities, and how these impacted volunteer perceptions of preparation and trip satisfaction for volunteers working with vulnerable children, including those in residential care (ex. orphanages).

Amanda Miller & Harriot Beazley - Children's Geographies,

This paper examines the lived experiences of children who interacted with tourists in a performance-based orphanage in Siem Reap, Cambodia.