สู่ครอบครัว มิใช่สถานเลี้ยงเด็กกําพร้ (Families, Not Orphanages)

John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg - Better Care Network

With particular attention to lower income countries, Families, Not Orphanages examines the mismatch between children’s needs and the realities and long-term effects of residential institutions. Evidence presented in this paper indicates that orphanages have been allowed to proliferate, particularly in countries impacted by conflict, displacement, AIDS, or severe poverty, and that this results in negative outcomes for children. The paper examines available evidence on the typical reasons why children end up in institutions, and the consequences and costs of providing this type of care compared to other options. It includes an overview of better care alternatives, including family preservation, family reunification, and family-based alternative care and concludes with recommendations for policy-makers.

Read the English version here.
