Children at Risk of Separation |
Children living below poverty line
896,877 children MoP IDPoor Program round 7-9 (2013-2015) -
Children engaged in Child Labor
11 % ILO/NIS 2012- UNICEF Statistical Profile 2018 -
Children with Disabilities
10.1 % Handicap International 2015 -
Left Behind Children (Migration)
21.1 % CRUMP series report MUP 2015 -
Ethnic Minority children
Children affected by HIV
4,061 children UNAIDS 2015 -
Street Connected Children
3,545 children UNICEF Statistical Profile 2018 -
Children experiencing violence
60 % Cambodia's Violence Against Children Survey 2014 -
Children in conflict with the law
1,540 children UNICEF q.2 report 2019