Child abuse prevention through parenting programmes

Franziska Meinck, Lucie Cluver & Sinovuyo Teen Team - Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford

The 21-22 June 2017 Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children (VAC) in All Care Settings was the second in a series of regional consultations focused on engaging experts within the region to collaborate, share learning, and formulate a set of regional recommendations for key actors to effectively address violence against children within all care settings, especially within alternative care. 

This presentation describes the process, key findings, and recommendations from the Sinovuyo Teen Study, a project of the World Health Organisation's Parenting for Lifelong Health. The Sinovuyo Teen Study, a collaborative effort between the South African Departments of Social Development and Basic Education, UNICEF, the World Health Organisation, and the Universities of Cape Town and Oxford, aims to develop and evaluate a free parenting program to reduce risks of child maltreatment in the home and reduce exteralizing behaviors in adolescents. Positive impacts of the study range from less abuse and corporal punishment in the home to less parenting stress and economic hardship and more positive and involved parenting. 
