Child Exploitation

Child trafficking is a form of child abuse. It is the exploitation of children for economic or sexual purposes, and includes the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a child for exploitation. Children may be sold, illegally adopted, forced into early marriage, recruited into the armed forces, pushed into prostitution, or trafficked to work in mines, factories, or homes. In such environments they are exposed to extreme forms of abuse and are denied access to basic services and the meeting of their fundamental human rights. Trafficked children often lack basic legal status and support networks, making their condition virtually "invisible." 

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Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilites.


This report, issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, examines the situation and needs of unaccompanied children who emigrate from Central America and Mexico to the United States, and offers recommendations based on those needs. 

Kristen E. Cheney,

A presentation on the "Orphan Industrial Complex" at the Young Lives and Globalization in Africa workshop at the University of Liège, Belgium on 21st February 2014.

Olivier Bargain & Delphine Boutin - IZA,

This paper explores the effects of remittance receipt on child labour in an African context. 

The Philippines Humanitarian Country Team,

A Strategic Response Plan developed and designed to support the Government of the Philippines’ response to the immediate humanitarian needs of the people affected by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), and to complement the Government’s National Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan.

Working Group ‘Quality of Care,’ of the Better Care Network Netherlands,

This leaflet was developed by the Working Group ‘Quality of Care’ of Better Care Network. It is published by Better Care Network Netherlands. The leaflet provides useful information on child development and children’s care for those planning to volunteer at orphanages in developing countries.

Embassy of the United States in Nepal, United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor,

This report, published by the US Embassy in Nepal, includes a segment on human rights issues related to orphanage voluntourism and donors, child abuse in child care homes, and a lack of Government regulation of institutions.

Frédérique Boursin - Terre des Hommes,

A l’heure actuelle, Tdh ayant surtout expérimenté et valorisé cette approche pour l’accompagnement des enfants en situation de mobilité, le présent document fait un focus sur cette catégorie d’enfants, et de manière plus spécifique dans un contexte de migration de travail, l’une des causes principales de la mobilité des enfants en Afrique de l’ouest.

Working Group ‘Quality of Care,’ of the Better Care Network Netherlands ,

This leaflet was developed by the Working Group ‘Quality of Care’ of Better Care Network. It is  published by Better Care Network Netherlands. The leaflet provides useful information on child development and children’s care for those planning to volunteer at orphanages in developing countries.