These series of 6 papers are the second edition of the child rights bridging papers for the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8 to 10 December 2016). It examines specificities affecting children on the move and other children affected by migration. Papers in the series include:
- Leave no one behind: the first year of the SDGs for children on the move and other children affected by migration.
- Engagement of diaspora and migrant associations: A child rights perspective
- Migrants stranded in distress: A child rights perspective
- Rights of migrant women: A child rights perspective
- Interaction of international mechanisms of migrants’ rights protection: A child rights perspective
- Labour rights for migrant workers: A child rights perspective
The draft versions were prepared to provide input for the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8 to 10 December 2016).
They are looking at different points of the 5-year Action Plan for Collaboration from a child rights perspective. Discussions will continue during the Civil Society Days (and beyond) to strengthen efforts to bridge the migration, development and child rights perspectives in the 5 year Action Plan for Collaboration.
Each one of the six bridging papers is structured in a similar way with 6 to 8 key recommendations for action.