Joint Statement on Child Welfare Courts During a Public Health Crisis

Children’s Advocacy Institute, Children’s Rights, Juvenile Law Center, National Association of Counsel for Children, National Center for Youth Law, Youth Law Center

"In this time of profound uncertainty, child welfare systems face unprecedented challenges to ensuring safety, well-being, and permanency for young people," says this joint statement.  "As the public health crisis persists, it is incumbent upon courts and legal professionals to critically assess and safeguard the needs and rights of every young person and family member experiencing dependency court involvement. Judicial officers, attorneys for children, parents, agencies, and tribes, CIPs, CASAs, and court administrators should resist reactive, sweeping policies and insist upon thoughtful consideration of each child’s and each family’s individual circumstances, promoting decisions based on current information, informed by medical expertise, and anchored in due process values." The statement goes on to list specific actions for courts and legal professionals to take.