In response to the COVID-19 crisis, many organizations have adapted both content and delivery of existing programmes to continue to reach and meet the needs of families during this difficult time. This Case Study Report, prepared in partnership with World Health Organization (WHO) and the LEGO Foundation, describes the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development (ECD) in their work. We selected cases with an aim to include a wide range of geographic contexts and programmes that address at least one of three components of nurturing care: responsive caregiving, opportunities for early learning, and safety and security. Selected programmes are unique in that they continued to provide adapted ECD services during a time when many other initiatives were suspended. Findings are drawn from a desk review and in-depth interviews with programme staff and partners.
Read also: Responsive caregiving, early learning and play, and children’s safety and security during COVID-19