Protected! Podcast Episode 6 featuring Mark Canavera on Social Norms

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Social norms govern how we behave in all the different communities that we move within and between. As the response to COVID-19 has altered how we live, the pandemic has influenced many norms around child rearing, from compulsory mask wearing, to physically-distanced grandparenting to hand washing. Plus the social norms affecting caregiving are shifting too. In your community, think about who is responsible for educating children since schools closed. Or what about the social norms affecting how kids can play together once the lockdowns or stay-at-home measures are lifted?

In this episode of the Protected! Podcast, Mark Canavera, the co-director of the Care and Protection of Children Learning Network, at Columbia University, unpacks this huge topic. He discusses child protection and social norms and how they influence each other with Hani Mansourian, the co-coordinator of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.