Children and families around the world are experiencing unprecedented disruption to their lives. As nations around the world scramble to understand, contain, and respond to the rapidly growing pandemic and as parents and caregivers juggle multiple challenges to care for and safeguard their children, the global early childhood development (ECD) community is coordinating together rapidly to ensure that children’s health, development, and well-being are not overlooked.
This webinar brought together key global agencies including WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, LEGO Foundation, ARNEC and other partners, to:
- Provide a briefing on resources and actions being mobilized by each agency in response to COVID-19
- Identify key supports being given to government systems to mobilize services for caregivers and their children
- Provide key messages and best practices for all parents and caregivers to ensure children’s health and well-being in disrupted social environments
- Provide key messages and best practices for all parents and caregivers to take care of their own physical and mental well-being
- Q&A and panel discussion
View the low-bandwidth version (no video) here.