To develop the capacity of Red Cross Red Crescent psychosocial workers to adequately address the PSS needs in the Ebola outbreak, guidance materials and PowerPoint presentations are available here for download, along with a three-day programme to train trainers who are able to further disseminate the PSS knowledge and skills to frontline workers. Download files containing: Community-based Psychosocial Support Training of Trainers (PPT 1) Psychological first aid (PPT 2) Psychological first aid role play exercise (PPT 3) Psychological first aid and Supportive Communication (PPT 4) Community-based psychosocial support (PPT 5) CBPSS: Hotline and Psychoeducation (PPT 6) Loss and grief (PPT 7) Stress and coping (PPT 8) Supporting volunteers and staff (PPT 9) Community-based psychosocial support training of trainers (Word doc)