The Power Behind Good Intentions: A toolkit for critical European volunteering organisations and Global Education practitioners

Service Civil International Austria

This toolkit is the outcome of four seminars organised by the Service Civil International (SCI), an international peace organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects. 

The toolkit asks the questions:

  • 'How can we make volunteers reflect on the colonial power structures that are behind their ideas of “development” and “help”?
  • How can we make them lose their unconscious or even conscious imperial and white supremacist approaches, seeing countries in the Global North as superior to those in the Global South?
  • How can we make them ask themselves why in some places of the world “help” is needed and how that is connected to their own lives?
  • How can we transform white supremacy into solidarity for global justice and antiracism?

It also calls for all volunteering organisations in Europe to take a strong stand against racism and colonialism. 
