Manifesto for Race Equity & Parent Leadership in Early Childhood Systems

Center for the Study of Social Policy

To help early childhood systems in the U.S. learn to work with parents in ways that promote equitable outcomes and maximize opportunities for all children, 40 parent leaders and agency staff from nine Early Childhood Learning and Innovation Network for Communities (EC-LINC) communities came together in January 2018 to create a manifesto for change.

This Manifesto and its 5 Commitments for Change outlines their vision, goals and strategies for the transformation they want to make so that all parents are supported and empowered to give their children a strong start in life. This Manifesto builds on the groundbreaking work of Strengthening Families™, which at its heart is about changing how service providers interact with families to support them in building protective factors. This Manifesto seeks to further transform systems to eliminate the barriers families of color face in their day-to-day interactions with systems and elevate their leadership and power.

Read the Spanish version here.
