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This TedX presentation features Greta Munns, a youth empowerment advocate who was placed in foster care at age fifteen. Her “story” is what prompted her exploration of the foster care system.
Este nuevo relevamiento muestra y analiza datos actualizados relativos a la cantidad de niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNyA) sin cuidados parentales en la República Argentina, los lugares de cuidado donde están alojados, las condiciones en las que viven, el organismo que decidió que fueran separados o separadas de su mamá, papá o familia ampliada, los motivos de esta separación, los tiempos de permanencia en las instituciones, los motivos de ingreso y egreso.
Las evidencias presentadas en este documento fueron elaboradas a partir de una investigación que se propuso realizar una primera aproximación a la situación de los jóvenes sin cuidados parentales frente al egreso.
This guideline covers how organisations, professionals and carers can work together to deliver high quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people in England.
In this “Quick Lesson About Therapeutic Foster Care,” the author provides a description of, and background information on, therapeutic foster care in the United States, an overview of national statistics regarding therapeutic foster care, and an overview of the risk factors and symptoms associated with children in need of therapeutic foster care.
This review of literature covers international material related to stability and permanence for disabled children, in particular permanence achieved through fostering and adoption.
This article discusses professional discretion in relation to placing a child outside the family, as understood by Malawian social workers.
This factsheet looks at whether States in the US are following best practices in regards to the Indian Child Welfare Act, such as notification of Tribes and placement preferences. Findings from the Reviews are presented.
This report from Family for Every Child explores rising concerns about the expansion of foster care services in low and middle income countries, it begins to fill the gap in understanding, and aims to assist in both states’ and NGOs’ decisions on whether to invest in foster care, and in the kinds of supportive services needed to make foster care safe and effective.
This study investigates the specific training needs of the biological family during the transition phase of the reunification process in which the child prepares to return home.