Tu as droit à une protection et une prise en charge! Les Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants, adaptées aux enfants et aux jeunes

SOS Children's Villages International

This booklet from SOS Children's Villages International informs children and young people about their right to live in a supportive family environment. It explains what needs to happen in case they cannot live with their parents or are at risk of being separated from them.

Using child and youth friendly language and visuals, the booklet has been produced by SOS Children’s Villages International to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

Over 500 children and young people in alternative care or family strengthening programmes from 26 countries worldwide were involved in the development of the booklet. 

The Guidelines have contributed to strengthening child protection systems around the world, but children and young people are often not aware of their rights. Educating children and young people about their rights through accessible materials helps them to understand if their rights have been violated. It also empowers them to speak up and ask for support.

The booklet is also available in English and Spanish.
