Learning Brief: The Importance of Integrating Family Strengthening, Reunification, Case Management and Workforce Strengthening

Changing the Way We Care

This learning brief was developed as part of the CTWWC 2021 annual report and shares learning from several contexts and is intended to share learning on how family strengthening, reunification, case management and workforce strengthening can be integrated in care reform.

Changing The Way We CareSM (CTWWC) is a global initiative designed to promote safe, nurturing family care for children. This includes reforming national systems of care for children, strengthening families, family reunification and preventing child-family separation, which can have harmful, long-term consequences, and development of alternative family-based care – and influencing to build momentum towards a tipping point of change. CTWWC is a Global Development Alliance funded by USAID, the MacArthur Foundation and the GHR Foundation, and implemented by Catholic Relief Services and Maestral International, along with other global partners, such as Better Care Network, and national and local partners working together to change the way we care for children around the world. CTWWC has three main areas of focus working on different levels and with a wide range of actors.

(1) Governments promote family care through improvement of laws and policies, that support families and their ability to provide and care for children;

(2) Children stay in or return to families through family strengthening efforts and expansion of family-based alternatives like extended family care or foster care; and

(3) Family care promoted globally, through global, regional and national advocacy specifically exploring how faith-based organizations can engage in these efforts.  

CTWWC aims to demonstrate change in a diversity of contexts in order to build the evidence and practice base. Learning briefs are short resources that share more about how CTWWC undertakes a certain aspect of the care reform work and what some of the main lessons are.

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