Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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UNICEF Cambodia,

This paper from UNICEF presents a profile of children  in Cambodia, paying particular attention to those who are left behind in different spheres - education, health and nutrition, and protection - against the backdrop of society’s prevalent inequality.


In this TED video, Georgette Mulheir, CEO of Lumos, an NGO dedicated to ending worldwide systematic institutionalization, describes how orphanages can cause irreparable damage to children both mentally and physically and urges to end reliance on them by finding alternate ways of supporting children in need.

Eurochild and Hope and Homes for Children,

This paper aims to raise awareness on the perverse effects of institutionalisation on children and it calls for comprehensive system reforms, starting with a transition towards family and community-based care. It highlights country level lessons learnt in the European context that demonstrate how deinstitutionalisation can be achieved in practice.

EveryChild ,

The paper calls for greater prioritisation to be given to supporting kinship carers and the children in their care, including ensuring such households are able to access social protection, and receive psycho-social and health care support and assistance with education where needed.

Eurochild and Hope and Homes for Children,

This briefing paper seeks to address key misunderstandings about de-institutionalisation. It explains what it is and what it is not and addresses key questions often asked about the need for such institutions, the role they play and the impact of this transformation and what it entails.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children ,

The report provides guidance on achieving law reform which gives children in alternative care and day care the protection from all forms of corporal and other cruel and degrading punishment that is their absolute right.

Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

This report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation assesses the practice of kinship care within the United States, reflecting upon the widespread use of this care practice, the complexities facing families involved in this form of care and the interventions and supports proven to assist in its success. While specific to the United States, discussions and recommendations can be assessed for application in other global settings.

Michael J. MacKenzie, Kathryne B. Brewer, Craig S. J. Schwalbe, Robin E. Gearing, Rawan W. Ibrahim, Jude Batayneh, Dua’a M. Darwish, Jihad Al-Kharabsh,

This paper describes a study that assessed the attitudes of people in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan toward the implementation of foster care as an alternative to institutions for children.

Better Care Network,

The People’s Republic of China issued its third and fourth combined report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in June 2012. This extract of the report focuses on sections relevant to children's care and in particular those addressing Family Environment and Alternative Care

Shailen Nandy and Julie Selwyn - The British Journal of Social Work,

This paper presents findings from the first-ever study of kinship care in the UK using census micro data.