Displaying 191 - 200 of 1481
For this study, an exploratory theoretical thematic analysis of the narratives of residential childcare workers in child welfare (RCWs) was performed to further understanding about the nature of the psychological distress reported by RCWs.
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and certain related matters was established by the Irish Government in February 2015 to provide a full account of what happened to vulnerable women and children in Mother and Baby Homes during the period 1922 to 1998.
The aim of the present study was to examine differences in perceived living group climate between boys and girls in a sample of 344 youth receiving residential youth care in the Netherlands.
This report documents severe and pervasive human rights violations against children and adults with disabilities in residential facilities in Mexico.
Este informe documenta violaciones graves y generalizadas a los derechos humanos de niñas, niños adolescentes y adultos con discapacidad en centros residenciales en México.
This publication presents the latest figures on children and young people in care in Northern Ireland.
This document is aimed at complementing the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Licensing, Monitoring and Closure of Residential Homes for Children (RHC) by supporting the implementation of the closure of RHCs that have not been licensed or do not meet the standards in the SOPs.
In this video, Peter Kamau from Child in Family Focus discusses his organisation’s approach to engaging with the directors of privately-run charitable children’s institutions (CCI’s) to secure their buy-in for transition and the reintegration of children into families, in line with government policy.
Este informe de Changing the Way We Care revisa las opciones existentes de cuidado familiar alternativo en Guatemala y ofrece recomendaciones para otras modalidades y prácticas.
Comprised of videos and accompanying discussion guides, this video series features the learning from practitioners working across a range of care-related programs and practices in Kenya.