Call for creative tools (including evidence) using participatory approaches to ensure community engagement and ownership

Save the Children and War Child Holland

Save the Children and War Child Holland are working together to look at the value of participatory approaches using creative methods to ensure community engagement and ownership within the field of community-level child protection in humanitarian and development contexts.

They are asking stakeholders to share:

1)    Any guidance and/or training manuals which you have used for specific participatory approaches using creative methods (for example, participatory theatre, art, radio, video, photography etc.).

2)    Any additional creative tools or exercises using participatory approaches to ensure community engagement and ownership.

3)    Any evidence (published research, M&E reports or other) of the impact and effectiveness of participatory approaches using creative methods to strengthen community engagement and ownership.


Whilst they are focusing on child protection, they recognize that there are many cross-cutting issues. Therefore please do send any resources that you feel might be relevant (e.g. gender, adolescent health and development, early childhood development, education, psychosocial support etc.).

Please see the attached short template and questionnaire if you think you can assist. If you don’t have time to fill these – no problem, just send the resource(s) you used.

Send to: They can accept documents and resources in English, French or Spanish.

The deadline for submission is 22 November 2019.