Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.
This essay, written by a former foster youth, provides an overview of a study conducted by the author to examine how several grantmakers in California support foster youth in building social capital.
According to data from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the number of families being separated by conflict, violence and natural disaster is at a five year high.
An upcoming report from the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness indicates that there is a strong link between youth homelessness and foster care, with nearly three out of every five Canadian homeless youth having been a part of the child welfare system at some point, says the article.
The Australian parliament held a recent inquiry in preparation for a Modern Slavery Act which examined the connections between modern slavery and orphanage trafficking.
This opinion piece from the Guardian explains why more funding and support should be directed to kinship care and other alternative care arrangements that place children with extended family, instead of adoption or foster care outside of the family.
The Australian Parliament has published a final report of its Modern Slavery Inquiry, which provides "a detailed blueprint for the creation of a modern slavery act in Australia."
According to this article from the National Post, the Canadian federal government will be allocating more money to child welfare services for indigenous communities on reserves.
This article from the Chronicle of Social Change details the increased use of kinship care for children in the need of out of home care in the United States, highlighting this shift in three different states in the US.
An inter-agency group, co-facilitated by Better Care Network and Save the Children, has developed a learning tool designed to enable national actors to determine the extent to which their country has effectively implemented the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children and to identify the priorities for change still ahead.
The US has pulled out of the UN global compact on migration, according to this article from the Guardian.