Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.
On Wednesday, July 31 2013, UNICEF launched its “#ENDviolence against children” campaign.
In his blog post, Harold Goodwin explains how learning about the unintended negative impacts of orphanage volunteering and how the decision was made to remove orphanage volunteering trips from’ offerings.
One “ethically-minded” tourism company in the UK is shutting down 10 orphanage tours because the firm believes that “orphanage volunteers, despite their best intentions, are part of the problem rather than the solution for children living in poverty throughout the world."
For children separated from their families, the 139 organizations of the South Asia Alliance of Grassroots NGOs (SAAGN) launched the campaign “My Caring Family is My First Right” in June 2013. As part of the campaign, Butterflies, a registered voluntary organization working with street and working children in Delhi, is supporting a new online petition that calls on governments in the region to respect a child’s right to a family.
PAN has translated its materials into Portuguese, French, and Kiswahili.
The state cabinet of Goa, India recently approved a foster care scheme to assist children deprived of parental care or the care of guardians and in need of protection.
This article reports on the findings of research conducted by the TV Programme Panorama on some of the current practices and standards in the children’s residential care system in England, which were described by a charity representing children in care as “extremely worrying”.
On June 14, 2013, the General Assembly submitted a report in advance of its sixty-eighth session as a contribution to the High-level Meeting of the Assembly on the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities. The report reviews good practices and existing approaches to disability-inclusive development and concludes by recommending steps to include disability as an integral part of all development efforts, with a view to contributing to an action-oriented outcome document of the upcoming High-level Meeting.
Illuminating many of the observations and conclusions from the UNICEF State of the World’s Children report on children with disabilities, the New Straits Times has published an article on the state of children with disabilities in Vietnam.
In this video report, Journeyman Pictures follows a man who has opened a “baby box” in South Korea where women can anonymously drop off their unwanted babies.