
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

ACERWC, African Union,

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/the Committee), in collaboration with African Union Member States, partner organizations, children and young people, launches the first of its kind Continental Study on Children Without Parental Care (CWPC) in Africa. The study, conducted from 2020 to 2022, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, covered over 43 countries in the five regions of Africa.

Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg - NEOS Volume 12, Issue 2,

This study of distributed parenting and new ideas about what it means to raise a child properly is informed by over three decades of research among the Bamiléké.

Clifford O. Odimegwu - Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa,

This paper examines all policy and laws related to families in the South, West, East and Central regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Adrian D. van Breda & John Pinkerton - Emerging Adulthood,

The special issue of Emerging Adulthood titled “Care-Leaving in Africa” is the first collection of essays on care-leaving by African scholars. This article, coauthored by scholars from North and South, argues in favor of North–South dialogue but highlights several challenges inherent in this, including the indigenizing and thus marginalizing of African experience and scholarship and divergent constructions of key social concepts.

Walters Mudoh Sanji - Resilience and the Re-integration of Street Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa,

This chapter from the book Resilience and the Re-integration of Street Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa is comprised of two studies. The first study provides an analysis of the psychological situation of street children and youth in Yaoundé and Douala, while the second one deals with resilience building within a rehabilitation home.

Plan International,

Plan International is seeking a consultant to conduct an evaluation of Plan International’s Integrated Protection Mobile Service Delivery approach in Lake Chad (Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria) and Central African Republic (CAR).


UNICEF is recruiting a Child Protection Chief in Cameroon.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Cameroon. 


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Cameroon.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Cameroon.