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Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
Children living with both parents, Total for children < 18; BU2016DHS: Institut de Statistiques et d’Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU) - 2016-17
Living with One Parent
DHS 2016-17
Institut de Statistiques et d’Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU) - 2016-17
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2016-17
Institut de Statistiques et d’Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU) - 2016-17

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
Children with One Parent Alive
Children with Both Parents Dead

Displaying 1 - 10 of 41

List of Organisations

Clifford O. Odimegwu - Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa,

This paper examines all policy and laws related to families in the South, West, East and Central regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Adrian D. van Breda & John Pinkerton - Emerging Adulthood,

The special issue of Emerging Adulthood titled “Care-Leaving in Africa” is the first collection of essays on care-leaving by African scholars. This article, coauthored by scholars from North and South, argues in favor of North–South dialogue but highlights several challenges inherent in this, including the indigenizing and thus marginalizing of African experience and scholarship and divergent constructions of key social concepts.

International Rescue Committee,

Dans le cadre du Projet national “Umwana mu muryango” (UMMU) de « Prise en charge alternative de qualité pour les enfants au Burundi», financé par l’Union Européenne (UE), International Rescue Comittee (IRC) est en concertation avec le Ministère des Droits de la Personne Humaine, des Affaires Sociales et du Genre en vue de s’attacher les services d’un Consultant national ou international, de préférence résidant au Burundi pour la réalisation d’une Stratégie Nationale de Prise en charge alternative des enfants au Burundi.

Janestic Twikirize and Helmut Spitzer,

This book, based on empirical research, presents a selection of indigenous and innovative models and approaches of problem solving that will inspire social work practice and education.

Severine Chevrel - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action commissioned this project to gather and draft key lessons learned on the Case Management Supervision and Coaching initiative. Key questions that the Task Force wanted to address included feedback on the interagency country collaboration, the effectiveness of the localization approach, the successes and challenges of roll-outs in the eight participating countries, and the impact on case management teams’ supervision practices.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Burundi. 

Elsa Laurin - UNHCR,

This UNHCR presentation provides an overview of alternative care for children in East African refugee contexts.

Alexandra Shaphren - Plan International,

This case study describes the community-based child protection programme implemented between 2015 and 2016 with Burundian girls, boys and adults in Mahama refugee camp in Rwanda.

NORC at the University of Chicago,

NORC seeks two Senior Social Welfare/Child Protection Experts to work in collaboration with NORC’s evaluation experts on the endline evaluation for a U.S. Agency for International development (USAID) funded Displaced Children and Orphan’s Fund (DCOF) project in Burundi and Moldova.

Rose Foley - Aljazeera,

Can children forced to fight be reintegrated back into their families and communities?