Cote d'Ivoire


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
DHS 2021
Institut Nationale de la Statistique (INS) - 2021
Living with One Parent
DHS 2021
Institut Nationale de la Statistique (INS) - 2021
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2021
Institut Nationale de la Statistique (INS) - 2021

Displaying 1 - 10 of 24

International Social Service (ISS),

Cette évaluation dresse un tableau de la situation en Côte d'Ivoire des enfants handicapés privés de soins parentaux ou risquant d'être séparés de leur famille, ainsi que des options de prise en charge alternative disponibles.


This brief article from UNICEF describes UNICEF's work with partners in Côte d’Ivoire to assist children on the move during the COVID-19 pandemic, "providing them with psychosocial support through counselling and drama therapy, as well as access to education, shelter, meals, clean water and sanitation facilities. UNICEF also works with partners to help reunite children on the move with their families."

Clifford O. Odimegwu - Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa,

This paper examines all policy and laws related to families in the South, West, East and Central regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Adrian D. van Breda & John Pinkerton - Emerging Adulthood,

The special issue of Emerging Adulthood titled “Care-Leaving in Africa” is the first collection of essays on care-leaving by African scholars. This article, coauthored by scholars from North and South, argues in favor of North–South dialogue but highlights several challenges inherent in this, including the indigenizing and thus marginalizing of African experience and scholarship and divergent constructions of key social concepts.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Mark Canavera, Bree Akesson, Debbie Landis, Miranda Armstrong, Elizabeth Meyer - International Journal of Social Welfare,

This article presents the results of a systematic mapping of social work training programs in countries throughout West Africa, a region historically under‐represented in global discussions of the social welfare workforce.

Rofiah Ololade Sarumi & Ann Strode - Perspectives on the Legal Guardianship of Children in Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, and Uganda,

This chapter looks at what the international law instruments recommend regarding the appointment of legal guardians. It provides an audit of the instruments which are applicable to the regulation of the appointment of legal guardians for children both at the global and regional levels.

Whitney M Moret - Global Health: Science and Practice,

This article discusses efforts in 3 countries to develop simple, valid tools to quantify and classify economic vulnerability status.

Dr Neil Howard, Dr Mélanie Jacquemin, Dr Dorte Thorsen - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, du MAEJT et de ENDA ,

Le présent document constitue le rapport de référence pour le Projet pour la Protection des Enfants Migrants le long du Corridor Abidjan-Lagos (CORAL), conçu principalement en tant qu'analyse de situation susceptible d'orienter la programmation future du projet.

Dr Neil Howard, Dr Mélanie Jacquemin, Dr Dorte Thorsen - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, the AMWCY and ENDA,

The present document constitutes the baseline report for the Project for the Protection of Migrant children along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (CORAL), undertaken primarily as a situation analysis able to guide future programming.