
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

World Vision,

This child-led research initiative was conducted under the umbrella of World Vision’s DEAR project (Development Education and Awareness Raising) and the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. The study explores explore SDG 16.2, the goal that focuses on the issue of ‘abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children’.

Save the Children,

The primary purpose of this report is to recommend evidencebased strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for girls on the move in Central America and Mexico. 


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Nicaragua.

SOS Children's Villages International,

The aim of this report from SOS Children's Villages is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the needs and rights of young people ageing out of alternative care around the world, in order to inform strategies, policies and services to improve their life chances and outcomes through appropriate preparation for leaving care as well as after-care support.

Save the Children,

Este documento discute el enfoque integral utilizado por Save the Children para promover la sinergia entre la autonomía personal y el desarrollo económico. 

Save the Children,

This document discusses the comprehensive approach used by Save the Children to promote synergy between personal autonomy and economic development. 

Laura B. Rawlings and Gloria M. Rubio ,

This paper examines the short-term impact of conditional cash transfer programs in comparison to traditional social assistance programs. Programs in Colombia, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Turkey are highlighted.