
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Interagency Forum of Diagnosis & Dialogue—Quinta Ykua Satí, Asunción,

Resumen Ejecutivo:


Interagency Forum of Diagnosis & Dialogue—Quinta Ykua Satí, Asunción,

The Interagency Forum of Diagnosis and Dialogue “Together for the Harmony of the System in favor of children and adolescents” was held as an update of the Cross-government Review of the system and processes for the protection of children separated from their families or at risk of being so in Paraguay, bringing together the key actors of the system in 3 intensive work days to provide the State a roadmap with efficient and achievable solutions and improvements, which seek to optimize the protection system throughout the country in application of the law, with the CHILD as the only center.

Interagency Forum of Diagnosis & Dialogue—Quinta Ykua Satí, Asunción,

A pesar de que la Análisis Nacional y el plan de acción transversal fueron aprobados por la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Consejo Nacional de la Niñez y la Adolescencia a principios de 2020, debido a la pandemia y la emergencia sanitaria nacional declarada en Paraguay, que afectó gravemente al sistema de protección, nuestro gobierno no pudo implementar el plan interinstitucional basado en evidencia para optimizar nuestro sistema, que incluía medidas a corto, mediano y largo plazo como solución a los problemas identificados.

Interagency Forum of Diagnosis & Dialogue—Quinta Ykua Satí, Asunción,

Even though the Cross-Government review and action plan were approved by the Supreme Court of Justice and the National Council for Children early 2020, due to the pandemic and national sanitary emergency declared in Paraguay (affecting the protect

Family for Every Child,

Join this online event to learn what kinship care looks like in different contexts and why recognising it is so important.

Ministerio de la Niñez y Adolescencia y Ministerio de la Defensa Pública con la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Ministerio Público,

El presente informe de sistematización tiene como propósito hacer accesible la información producida en la Cumbre de la etapa final del análisis transversal del sistema de protección de la niñez, y ser una herramienta de comunicación y planificación al servicio de las instituciones públicas que formaron parte de este proceso.

Ministry of Children and Adolescents and Ministry of Public Defense with the Supreme Court of Justice and the Office of the Public Prosecutor,

The purpose of this systematization report is to make available the information produced at the Summit in the final stage of the cross-sectional review of the child protection system in Paraguay, and to be a communication and planning tool at the service of the Government agencies that were part of this process.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

Prepared for the Agenda 2030 for Children: End Violence Solutions Summit, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14-15 February 2018, this report tracks progress towards prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children in Pathfinding countries. 

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children,

This comprehensive report discusses progress made towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children, including by highlighting examples from individual states that have recently implemented legal and policy reforms. 


Esta Guía reúne una serie de programas, prácticas y políticas públicas que resultaron en la garantía del derecho a la convivencia familiar y comunitaria de niñas y niños en su primera infancia. En particular, se caracterizan por ser innovadoras o por haber obtenido buenos resultados en la protección y la restitución de este derecho. Las experiencias recopiladas abarcan programas, proyectos e iniciativas públicas, privadas o mixtas de fortalecimiento familiar, provisión de cuidados alternativos, y de reintegración familiar.