South America

Displaying 1 - 10 of 332

List of Organisations

Keeping Children Safe,


This role will lead on the development and implementation of a new child-safeguarding programme in Brazil, as well as contribute to the development of Keeping Children Safe globally. 

First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children,


Changemakers for Children,

You’re invited to the upcoming webinar Including support for informal kinship care in policy on 6 November at 13:00 UTC. In this webinar, panelists will explore and demonstrate how kinship care can be included in policy and supported without formalisation.

This study aimed to analyze the narratives of social educators regarding their practices within a foster care institution for children and adolescents in South Brazil.

Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the INSPIRE Working Group, International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN),

Case studies from Peru, Cambodia and DRC provide lessons on how income support can contribute to keeping children safe.

CPC Learning Network,

This CPC Learning Network hosted a conversation with partners and faculty affiliates on "Rethinking Child & Youth Participatory Methodologies & Processes: Presentations from our Partner Research Centers in Uganda, Indonesia, and Colombia".

CPC Learning Network, ChildFund Alliance, the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University, the Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict,

This webinar was a panel conversation hosted by the CPC Learning Network, ChildFund Alliance, the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University, and the Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict that brought together a panel of experts to discuss the root causes leading to recruitment and involvement in activities of armed groups as well as the current context in countries such as Sudan, Colombia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and more.

Naomi Larsson Piñeda - The Guardian,

Four families torn apart by Chile’s illegal adoption scandal finally found each other decades later. They describe the emotional moment they met – and how they pieced together the lives they had spent apart

Family for Every Child,

In this episode Amanda Griffith of Family for Every Child is joined by representatives of three member organisations who are working to support children's mental health and wellbeing across three continents.

Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children's Issues,

The long-term consequences of COVID-19 have been tough for children around the world, but even more so for young children already in humanitarian crises, whether due to conflict, natural disasters, or economic and political upheaval. Drawing on research and voices from the Global South, this book showcases innovations to mobilize new funds and reallocate existing resources to protect children during the pandemic.