
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Johanna Sköld,

This essay examines how child abuse and violence that occurred in the past have been conceptualised in one current redress process in an established democracy – the Swedish redress initiatives for historical abuse of children in out-of-home care.

David Pålsson, Peter Andersson, Emelie Shanks, Stefan Wiklund,

In this article, the authors discuss residential staff in Sweden where residential care is part of the municipal child welfare system, which covers services targeting juvenile delinquency as well as other residential care services. Children and young people placed in Swedish residential care have diverse needs, from mainly supportive needs to advanced behavioral problems, and the field consists of open and secure residential care units.

Thomas Gabriel,

This paper is a first approach to pursuing questions of subjectification and objectification in the context of children and youth growing up in care settings in Switzerland.

World Childhood Foundation,

Rapporten visar på omfattande sexuella övergrepp och kränkningar mot barn på svenska statliga ungdomshem – platser som är avsedda att vara trygga för unga med omfattande psykosocial problematik. Kunskapen om att barn utsätts för sexuella övergrepp på SiS har funnits länge. Bara förra året kom granskningar från Institutionen för vård och omsorg (IVO), Justitieombudsmannen (JO) och Statskontoret som alla visade på stora brister inklusive våld och sexuella övergrepp.

Edited By Claudia Equit, Jade Purtell,

This volume covers a broad spectrum of current research findings concerning the participation of young people in foster families and residential living groups in Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland as well as cross-nationals perspective on children and young people’s participation in foster and residential care placements in Great Britain and France.

  • Job no: 550724
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Duty Station: Geneva
  • Level: Consultancy
  • Location: Switzerland

The purpose of this consultancy is to develop a ready-to-use, easy-to-contextualize workshop package, including PowerPoints, checklists and tip-sheets, case studies, and videos, to support the application of Pillar 4 in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Standards to Work Across Sectors. Sectors of focus will include Education, Health, Food Security, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, and Nutrition.

Samuel Keller, Thomas Gabriel, Clara Bombach - Child & Family Social Work,

In a qualitative study in Switzerland, the authors of this article have conducted 37 narrative interviews with people who experienced residential care between 1950 and 1990. The analysis was based on a reconstructive life course perspective and grounded theory.

Thomas Gabriel, Samuel Keller and Clara Bombach - Frontiers in Psychology,

This article hermeneutically reconstructs biographies decades after leaving-care to understand the impact of residential care experiences on selected dimensions of care-leavers’ well-being, that were discovered in the data material.

Lena Jäggi, Marc Schmid, David Bürgin, Nadine Saladin, Alexander Grob & Cyril Boonmann - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health logo Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health,

The aim of the current paper is to examine the demographic, crime-related and psychosocial characteristics of child welfare and juvenile justice youths in shared residential care and subsequently examine its relationship with offending behavior in adulthood.