This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Add New DataPrevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
Reglamento de la Procuraduría de la Niñez y la Adolescencia de la Procuraduría General de la Nación
Revisión del gasto público asociado al cuidado de la niñez y adolescencia en Guatemala (2015 - 2019)
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by a consultant with Maestral International and partners at Changing the Way We Care.
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Guatemala’s government has given temporary residency to 207 Mexicans, mostly children, on humanitarian grounds, after they fled across the border last week to escape drug violence.
During this webinar, participants will focus on identifying effective strategies that support local organizations and employ a “whole family” or “two-generation” approach to early childhood development and protection for children on the move and their families.
The Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative conducted its Year 5 Household Survey as part of its commitment to building evidence around outcomes for children and families in the context of care reform. The second round of this survey in Kenya and Guatemala, and first round in Moldova, aimed to understand the impact of CTWWC interventions on children and families transitioning from residential care to family-based alternatives or receiving support to prevent separation.
This study describes a participatory, child-informed process of developing a multidimensional measure of child subjective well-being tailored towards the priorities of children who have lived in residential care. The survey was administered to 180 young people in Kenya and Guatemala who were reunified with family after living in residential care or at risk of entering residential care.
This study describes a participatory, child-informed process of developing a multidimensional measure of child subjective well-being tailored towards the priorities of children who have lived in residential care. The study was conducted with focus groups in Kenya and Guatemala.
Since care reform is a long and complex process, requiring collaboration between many diverse actors, with different change pathways in diverse contexts, the Changing the Way We Care initiative set out to learn from different demonstration countries, build national and regional knowledge, and reinforce global momentum for family care. This learning brief describes some of that journey.
This brief shares how the initiative used CLA related to the social service workforce strengthening and case management.
Case management is used with both families at risk of separation and those where children have already separated and are in the process of being reintegrated, including biological family or placed into an alternative family (e.g., foster or kinship). The end goal of case management is that children are safe and nurtured within a family that is able to care for them, and access needed services that address risks and increase resilience.
Changing the Way We Care created two opportunities to promote learning and influence the practice of organizations and donors engaged in child protection and care in two demonstration countries: Kenya and Guatemala.
La Guía para facilitadores de “Educando en Familia” es una guía realizada por “Cambiando La Forma en que Cuidamos Guatemala” y está basada en la metodología de Educando en Familia de la Secretaría de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia de la Republica de Guatemala, la guía proporciona herramientas, dinámicas y técnicas para trabajar el programa con grupos de padres, madres y cuidadores; la guía está dirigida a las personas que facilitan el programa o que están certificados para replicarlo por SBS.
The story of Buckner Guatemala’s transition from residential care to family care is told in this recently released Faith to Action case study. The case study details their experience through three stages of transition—learning, preparation and planning, and full transition—with transparency. It addresses common challenges for transitioning organizations, as well as the strategies Buckner took to overcome them.