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The Qualitative Assessment of How the 3B/4D Social Cohesion Approach Effects Disability-Related Social Exclusion in Zambia by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) highlights the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project's significant impact on reducing disability-related social exclusion. The project utilized introspection, intragroup and intergroup connections, and action to foster empathy, acceptance, and support for children with disabilities.
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Positive Parenting Annex (PPA) implemented by Catholic Relief Services in Zambia. This initiative aimed to support caregivers of children with disabilities by enhancing their parenting skills and resilience.
This report evaluates the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project's impact on caregivers of children with disabilities in Zambia. It highlights significant improvements in caregiver resilience, social support, and access to essential services. The report notes increased positive parenting behaviors, such as showing affection and rewarding good behavior, and a reduction in the use of corporal punishment.
This report highlights the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Catholic Sister congregations. This project aimed to improve the wellbeing of children with disabilities and keep them in family care.
In this video, Tamara Mwale of Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Zambia shares a story of reintegration. At ACE, whenever possible, the team seeks to reintegrate children with biological family.
The Regional Learning Platform on care reform for Eastern and Southern Africa provides an opportunity for government, UNICEF and others involved in care reform
On 21st September 2023, the Governments of Canada and Zambia, in partnership with UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage and the Child Marriage Monitoring Mechanism, hosted a High-Level Side Event during the Seventy-Eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The event was titled 'Charting Brighter Futures: Utilizing Data for Accelerated Action to End Child Marriage and Achieve SDG 5.3'.
This regional portrait describes Catholic-sponsored care for children in Eastern Africa using data from Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia. The first large study of its kind, it focuses on children who are particularly vulnerable—those at risk of or those who have been separated from their families. Many are in institutional care. This portrait also describes growing efforts, led by women and men religious, to ensure children can grow up in safe, nurturing families or family-like environments rather than institutions.
This webinar provides an opportunity to share experiences on the transformation of residential care. The webinar will begin with an introductory presentation by Rebecca Nnep, Senior Technical Advisor, Better Care Network, who will shed light on emerging lessons and ongoing efforts/work done to ensure effective transitioning.
This UNICEF ESARO webinar discussed strategies for building strong families and communities and preventing child-family separation in the region.