This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.
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Global Fund for Children is looking for a Senior Manager to join our global Marketing and Communications Team on a short-term contract, covering the maternity leave of the current post holder. The contract period is 24th February - 11th July 2025 (20 weeks)
In March 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova, citing the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian chi
CoramBAAF is excited to publish the new Adoption Support Plan (ASP) England. The Adoption Support Plan and accompanying guidance for social workers, IROs and adopters has been developed by CoramBAAF building on work completed by Adoption England and feedback gained through a pilot of the form by 5 RAAs during 2024 and consultations with Adoption UK and relevant CoramBAAF forums. The form is compliant with relevant law, regulations and statutory guidance. It is designed to be used at key stages of the adoption process - during matching; when reviewing the placement prior to the adoption order being made and as a basis for future adoption assessments post order. It should be used alongside the Adoption Placement Report (APR) England 2025 which has been amended for this purpose.
UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy launched a landmark global campaign to advocate for family-based care for all children across the globe. Lammy announced a Global Charter to work with governments around the world to progressively end the use of children’s institutions.
In Norway, legislation requires consideration of a child’s culture in all phases of child welfare work. Through a quantitative content analysis of 285 child welfare expert assessment reports, the authors explored experts’ utilisation of a cultural perspective, comparing reports concerning immigrant and non-immigrant background children.
Public service cuts and ‘stark impact of poverty’ are causing worse outcomes for children, according to survey
In this paper, two researchers with backgrounds in ethnography describe and reflect on their experiences from a qualitative, transnational study called 'Back to the Future: Archiving in Residential Children's Homes (ARCH) in Scotland and Germany. Important goals of the study are the investigation and development of digital community archives for young people, care workers and care leavers from residential homes in order to support their memories of shared everyday life.
In this Q&A, Olena Remen, head of the expert group on family-based forms of upbringing and adoption at the Coordination Center for the Development of Family-Based Care and Education in Ukraine discusses the regional implementation of the country's four-year strategy to prioritize family-based care.
Lack of adequate housing, welfare reforms and families lacking access to public funds adding to pressures on children's services in England, according to an Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) survey.
В Україні вперше особи, які перебували в інституційних установах, а також ті, хто має досвід сімейного догляду, об’єдналися та узгодили спільну позицію щодо реформування системи догляду та підтримки дітей, у тому числі розвитку програм підтримки дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування.