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This global webinar will delve into the challenges, emerging research from Kenya, and practical country examples from Mozambique, Tajikistan and Peru. The webinar will highlight how children with developmental delays and disabilities can have the best chance to not only survive, but also thrive.
This paper explores the impact of international migration on school enrollment of children staying behind in Tajikistan, by using data from a large nationally representative household survey. The results show that migration of household members reduces the probability of enrolling in school by 10 percentage points for children who belong to households with migrants. The effect of parental migration is much larger than that of migration of other household members. Receiving remittances reduces the adverse impact of migration by only 1‒3 percentage points.
The purpose of this assignment is to operationalise the content of the Family and Child Support Centre Regulation, which now focuses on community-based support services for vulnerable families and children with the aim to prevent unnecessary institutionalisation of children and promote the right of each child to grow in a safe and supportive family environment.
UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Tajikistan.
This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of Tajikistan’s periodic report to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This paper, produced for the Know Violence global learning initiative, looks at the violence children experience in closed institutions in the Central Asian countries, specifically the former Soviet republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
This document summarizes the content of the 6-7 October 2016 Network Meeting of National Statistical Offices. The event comprised of a number of presentations on topics related to the SDGs and data on children in alternative care.
This report provides an evaluation of the Keeping and Finding Families Project, a pilot foster care project in Tajikistan.
This report is the result 4 of a two-year EU funded project “An Early Years Support Centre (EYSC) service in Dushanbe: Reducing poverty, empowering vulnerable families, strengthening partnerships and advocating for rights”. It outlines the model of support that was developed through the EYSC project in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.
Developed by the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe/Commonwealth of Independent States as a discussion paper for the 2nd Child Protection Forum on Building and Reforming Child Care Systems