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The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/the Committee), in collaboration with African Union Member States, partner organizations, children and young people, launches the first of its kind Continental Study on Children Without Parental Care (CWPC) in Africa. The study, conducted from 2020 to 2022, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, covered over 43 countries in the five regions of Africa.
A drive to vaccinate more than 9 million children against polio has been launched this week in four countries in southern and eastern Africa after an outbreak was confirmed in Malawi.
The Toolkit for Community Child Protection Volunteers and supplementary training manual aim to promote evidence-informed best practices when engaging community volunteers in child protection responses. This toolkit is based on the Community Engagement in Case Management study, which was commissioned by the Alliance and completed in 2020.
A poster for Child Protection teams to emphasize the evidence based practices of engaging volunteers that were documented in the research.
This is a 3-page document targeting donors, policy makers, and UN agencies regarding the roles of volunteers and how decision makers can support their roles
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action undertook an inter-agency project to provide a better understanding of community volunteers’ engagement in the case management process and develop guidance and tools to support their work.
In this webinar the speakers discussed the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development in their work.
In this webinar, panelists will discuss the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development in their work.
Âmbito de aplicação: O âmbito deste resumo temático é examinar casos de uniões prematuras registados pela Linha Fala Criança, abrangendo o período de Fevereiro de 2018 a Novembro de 2020.
Nesta pesquisa temos como objectivos centrais:
1. Identificar no contexto mundial, regional e nacional quais são as estratégias e as políticas públicas relativamente à situação das raparigas e mulheres.