
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Markus N. Sauerwein, Gunther Graßhoff,

This article addresses two issues: whether the inequalities faced by cared for children will persist in different stages of their lives and whether these inequalities are dependent on the specific out-of-home care setting, i.e. residential or foster care. The authors examine data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), covering a 50-year period.

Martins Moors, Juris Osis,

At the end of 2019, an innovative approach was launched in social work with young people in out-of-home care in Riga. This approach included prevention, changes in the form and methods of social work, and planning for the transition period.

Timo Toikko, Aleksandra Gawel, Juulia Hietamäki, Laura Häkkilä, Piia Seppälä, Ning Zhu,

The purpose of this macro-level study is to examine the effects of social welfare benefits and services on the demand for child removals. The study is based on the panel data of Finnish municipalities and their social welfare indicators for the period 2010–2021.

Alessandro Pepe, Elisabetta Biffi, Chiara Carla Montà, Caterina Arciprete, Mario Biggeri,

The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate the relationship between agency and well-being in a group of care leavers (N = 48) recruited from the alternative care services offered by the cities of Florence and Prato in Italy and involved in the Caring project.

Polina Nikolskaya and Mari Saito - Reuters,

A teenage orphan who became a posterchild for Moscow's deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia said he was instructed by officials to recite pro-Russian talking points for television cameras and threatened with a beating when he complained about conditions.

Justina Račaitė, Khatia Antia, Volker Winkler, Sigita Lesinskienė, Rita Sketerskienė, Rūta Maceinaitė, Ingrida Tracevskytė, Elena Dambrauskaitė, Genė Šurkienė ,

This cross-sectional study was conducted in 24 Lithuanian schools and involved parents/caregivers and their children aged 12 to 17. The study aimed to collect and analyse self-reported data on left behind children's emotional and behavioural problems and compare children’s reports with those of parents/caregivers.

Staf Summit,

The theme of the Summit is on improving the health and wellbeing outcomes for Scotland's care experienced young people. We know from conversations in our forums and events, feedback from young people and what was said during the Independent Care Review, and more recently as part of the 100 Days of Listening, that the link between health and social work is inextricable and without collaboration between all those who support young people to thrive, for many care experienced young people the health inequalities they face will continue. 

Changing the Way We Care,

Programul Național pentru Protecția Copilului pe anii 202

Changing the Way We Care,

This study analyzes statistical data on the institutionalization of children aged between 0-6 years; examines current practices of prevention, identification, assistance, referral, and placement in institutions and family based alternative care; evaluates the knowledge and attitudes of professionals and decision makers and outlines recommendations for the development and introduction of a moratorium on placing children aged between 0-6 years in residential care.

Asta Cekaite, Madeleine Wirzén,

This study reports results concerning close embodied practices, involving touch, in early childhood care settings in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic.