Family-type alternative services are a key element of child care reform in Moldova. However, children with disabilities are still under-represented in the population of children placed in foster care and family-type homes. One of the main obstacles reported by professionals, foster carers and parent-educators is inadequate financial support that limits the access of children with disability to family -type services.
CCF Moldova conducted a comprehensive financial analysis of foster care services for children with disabilities to identify financial gaps for current foster carers and financial impediments that deter placement of children with disabilities in foster care. The report provides concrete recommendations to address gaps and cost implications of implementing new funding policies.
Financial Analysis of Family-Type Care Services for Children with Disabilities provides a summary in English of the full report, which was originally prepared in Romanian. The original report in Romanian, RAPORTUL privind analiza financiară a serviciilor de îngrijire de tip familial a copiilor cu dizabilități, informs a pilot program of specialized foster care for children with severe disabilities conducted by the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) global initiative in Moldova.