Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Changing the Way We Care,

Studiul sociologic „Implementarea programelor și activităților de sprijin familial primar și a altor activități comunitare centrate pe consolidarea familiei” este un prim studiu realizat în Republica Moldova, cu scopul cartografierii programelor și a activităților de sprijin primar existente prin evaluarea relevanței, a eficienței, durabilității, dificultăților și a bunelor practici. Rezultatele cercetării  au informat elaborarea conceptului și procesul pilotării unui model eficientizat de sprijin primar al familiilor cu copii. Modelul eficientizat al serviciului  urmează să consolideze acțiunile viitoare ale actorilor comunitari în sprijinirea familiilor pentru a putea depăși situațiile de risc.

Coram International, UNICEF ECARO, For Every Child,

This report presents the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations of an evaluation of the child care and deinstitutionalisation reforms in seven countries in the Europe and Central Asia Region (Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Tajikistan). The report offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of child protection systems and the transition from institutional care to family- and community-based alternatives. It highlights key achievements, lessons learned, and best practices, while also addressing the areas where further improvements are needed to ensure that every child can grow up in a nurturing, safe, and supportive environment.

Sarah Johnson - The Guardian,

Panama, Uganda, Sri Lanka and Czech Republic among those newly committing to totally prohibit violence against under-18s.

Changing the Way We Care,

The Changing the Way We Care℠ (CTWWC) Life of the Award Report highlights the initiative’s global efforts to promote safe, nurturing family care for children. Since 2018, CTWWC has been driving care reform in countries like Guatemala, Kenya, and Moldova, while supporting smaller projects in Haiti and India.

Changing the Way We Care,

Bune Practici de Asistență Parentală Profesionistă pentru Copiii cu Nevoi Complexe: Rezultatele analizei preliminare a literaturii de specialitate pentru pregătirea proiectului pilot privind asistența parentală profesionistă specializată în Republica Moldova rezumă cele mai bune practici internaționale în domeniul asistenței parentale profesioniste specializate,  și oferă perspective și recomandări esențiale  pentru dezvoltarea și extinderea asistenței parentale profesioniste specializate în Republica Moldova.

Changing the Way We Care,

This report summarizes international best practices of specialized foster care and provides critical insights and recommendations for developing and scaling specialized foster care in Moldova.

Agence-France Presse,

Ukraine on Saturday announced a probe into alleged sex crimes at a state children’s home after the country’s rights ombudsman visited and decried a lack of official action. Ukraine has more than 51,000 children living in residential care, of whom 78 percent have disabilities, according to a report this month by UNICEF.

Changing the Way We Care,

This is a summary of a household survey conducted in Moldova by CTWWC to provide insights for policymakers and practitioners on the impacts of interventions to support reintegrating families and those at risk of separation. For Moldova, CTWWC adapted its survey tool to fit the local context by adjusting terminology and phrasing of some questions and responses, and removing questions that were not relevant.

Kateryna Buchko, Irena L. C. Connon, Lena Dominelli ,

This study explores Ukrainian responses to internally displaced people during the first and second waves of war-induced displacement and internal migration in Ukraine, which took place after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and after the full-scale invasion of 2022. It also addresses the unique challenges faced by Ukrainian social work professionals in supporting displaced people, service people and their families, disabled veterans, and orphaned children as the war continues and also for resettlement in a post-war context.