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This is a recording of a presentation Dr. Patricia Lannen, the principal investigator of the “LifeStories project”, delivered during a meeting of the Evidence for Impact Working Group of the Transforming Children's Care Collaborative on 2 October 2024. LifeStories is a 60-year longitudinal study of individuals placed in infant care institutions.
This study aimed to explore children's voices on violence in child welfare files to enhance our understanding of their experiences of violence. The sample consisted of 120 children who provided abuse information in Swedish child welfare investigations into physical and sexual abuse.
This article aims to trace and present some themes on Sweden's history of transnational adoption, with a particular focus on the public debate and the different narratives that representatives of the adoption triangle—the adoptees, the adoptive parents, and the biological parents—tell when dealing with transnational and transracial adoption as a personal and political phenomenon.
This study demonstrates the need for participatory recordkeeping to promote the right of children and young people placed in Swedish residential care homes to record-making, to facilitate access to a complete record of their placements. It is further through record-making that the experiences of the placed individuals can be used to inform practice and policymaking.
This study reports results concerning close embodied practices, involving touch, in early childhood care settings in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This article aims to build knowledge, from a life-course perspective, of foster carers’ views of the transition from care to adulthood for young people with mental health problems by interviewing carers from foster homes in Norway and Sweden.
The objective of this paper is to further the understanding of young people’s experiences of out-of-home care (OHC) in Sweden.
This report draws 14 lessons from academic research on the effects of out-of-home care on subsequent criminality. Most of the studies references in this review of based in Sweden.
Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023
Time: 10:00 (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)
This Toolkit builds on the outcomes of an international thematic workshop on addressing the needs of migrant children at borders, consolidated with IOM best practices and additional research inputs.