
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Lynne McPherson, Antonia Canosa, Kathomi Gatwiri, Donnah Anderson, Kylie Day, Robbie Gilligan, Anne Graham, Janise Mitchell, Tim Moore7 | Meaghan Vosz,

This paper reports on a national policy analysis in Australia exploring how therapeutic residential care (TRC) is constructed in policy documents. One hundred and thirty-two relevant policy documents were analysed to identify the practices and the conditions that facilitate the development of relationships and connections.

Rudi Maxwell - NITV,

Despite Indigenous, legal, children's and human rights advocates pointing out that harsher penalties for kids don't make the community safer, the Liberal National Party says it will follow through on its election promises about youth justice.

Jemma Venables, Joel Cullin, Kathy Ellem, Karen Healy,

This paper draws on the experiences of children and young people (CYP) who have self-placed in out-of-home care (OOHC) in Queensland (Australia) and the impact of that choice on their participation in decision-making.

Benjamin Harrap, Alison Gibberd, Melissa O’Donnell, Jocelyn Jones, Richard Chenhall, Bridgette McNamara, Koen Simons, Sandra Eades,

The objective of this study was to identify additional mental and neurodevelopmental health needs of Aboriginal children born in Western Australia, who are placed in out-of-home care (OOHC), relative to Aboriginal children born in Western Australia who were not placed.

Geoffrey Leggat, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Sandra Kuntsche, Prue Atkins, Anne-Marie Laslett,

This study aims to examine how parental substance use affects outcomes of Australian children in out-of-home care, adjusting for key demographic, social and system factors.

Dechlan Brennan - National Indigenous Times,

Victoria is removing more First Nations children from their families than any other state in the country, and at almost twice the national rate, according to new data from the Productivity Commission.

Initiative Media,

A new foster care campaign has launched in Western Australia that embraces inclusivity, via Initiative Media.

Giovanni Torre - National Indigenous Times,

The 17th session of United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous People (EMPRIP) was held in Geneva this month, highlighting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child removals.

Timothy Moore,

This working paper describes the core care conditions that young children, their parents / caregivers and their families need to flourish. The paper is intended for policymakers and practitioners in Australia who are designing and delivering services and supports to young children and their families.

Emmanuel S. Gnanamanickam , Leonie Segal ,

This study was based in Southern Australia and aimed to examine the association between child maltreatment and the receipt of income support payments and the budgetary impact for persons 16 to 33 years.