Southern Africa

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List of Organisations

Changemakers for Children,

You’re invited to the upcoming webinar Including support for informal kinship care in policy on 6 November at 13:00 UTC. In this webinar, panelists will explore and demonstrate how kinship care can be included in policy and supported without formalisation.

Hlengiwe Gwebu, Tendai Elvis Mutembedza, Jacqueline Kilby, Jeldau Rieff, Styn Jamu, Lisa Jamu, Nomsa Monare, Mary Mosenke, Mmannyana Margaret Nonong, Babedi Ncaagae, Yulia Shenderovich, Jamie Lachman, Lucie Cluver,

This study seeks to evaluate the real-world experiences, challenges, and best practices in implementing parent support programs in Botswana.

Nakedi Presley Manamela, Selelo Frank Rapholo, Thembinkosi Peter Singwane,

This qualitative study of cluster foster parents in Mpumalanga, South Africa, revealed that they are faced with extreme challenges such as lack of support, knowledge, and limitation of resources in fostering children with special needs.

Adrian D. van Breda,

This South Africa-based paper aims to provide practice guidelines for leaving care that would be useful in real-world settings.

Lucy Jamieson, Hussienatou Manjang,

This report interrogates the normative framework governing child participation in South Africa. It provides an analysis of international human rights obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.

Ilifa Labantwana, the Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town, the South African Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency, the South African Department of Basic Education; the Grow Great Campaign, DataDrive2030,

The South African Early Childhood Review 2024 tracks data on the status of children under six years. 

Changing the Way We Care,

Este artigo explora o papel da avaliação e gestão de caso no contexto das reformas do sistema de cuidados alternativos. Oferece princípios transversais de boas práticas, as etapas essenciais e descreve os fatores críticos envolvidos nas práticas de avaliação e gestão de caso eficazes. Baseando-se na literatura da região, o artigo visa fornecer uma orientação abrangente aos profissionais e às partes interessadas envolvidas nos cuidados, no bem-estar e na proteção das crianças. O anexo fornece detalhes dos recursos de avaliação e gestão de caso da região da África Oriental e Austral e também em outros lugares.

Changing the Way We Care,

Ce document explore le rôle de la gestion de cas dans le contexte des réformes de la prise en charge. Il propose des principes transversaux de bonnes pratiques, des étapes essentielles et décrit les facteurs critiques impliqués dans des pratiques efficaces de gestion de cas. S’appuyant sur la littérature de la région, ce document vise à fournir une orientation générale aux professionnels et aux acteurs impliqués dans la prise en charge, le bien-être et la protection de l’enfance. L’annexe fournit des détails sur les ressources en matière de gestion de cas dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est et australe ainsi qu’au-delà.

Changing the Way We Care,

This paper explores the role of case management in the context of care reforms. It offers cross-cutting principles of good practice, essential steps, and describes critical factors involved in effective case management practices. Drawing on literature from the Eastern and Southern Africa region and beyond, the paper aims to provide overarching guidance to professionals and stakeholders involved in children’s care, welfare, and protection. 

The Children's Institute, University of Cape Town,

The Children’s Institute (CI) is a multidisciplinary research unit located in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town.