The process of changing the model of service provided by an organization from one that is residential care service focused to a non-residential service and focus on family care. Transition involves change at all levels of the organization and includes, but is not limited to, the safe reintegration of children.
(Definition developed by the Transitioning Residential Care Working Group
as part of theTransforming Children's Care Collaborative)

Essential reading
The inter-agency practitioner page on Residential Care Service Transition
Key learning on transition: Learning Brief: Transition of Care Services
Transitioning children with disabilities back into community-based care: Transition of Residential Care for Children with Disabilities
The importance of safely closing cases after transition: Journey of Change and Safe Closure
An interactive diagram outlining the different phases of transition: Phases of Transition: Interactive Diagram
The Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool for those who are supporting transition (also available in Spanish)
The Transitioning Residential Care Cost Estimation tool (also available in Spanish)
Costing transition case study example: Financial Impact of Transition: Lighthouse Children’s Village Case Study
Country-specific essential reading
Kenya and East and Southern Africa Region
Example of one transition timeframe in Kenya: Timeline of Transition: The Journey Center – Kenya
Looking at factors that drive transition in Kenya: Understanding Catalysts for Transition: Dynamics Leading to the Uptake of Transition Amongst Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kenya
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform: Webinar on Transforming Residential Care
Guatemala and related Latin America
Example of one transition timeframe in Guatemala: Case study of Story International and Timeline of Transition: Story International
Guatemalan case study: Case story of transition: Sky Ministries
Mexico case study: La historia del proceso de transformación de Casa Eudes, a cargo de la Congregación de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor en Ciudad Juárez, México (also available in English)
Honduras case study: Case story of transition: formalizing a foster care program
Pasos y recursos para acompañar a organizaciones en el proceso de transformación
Summary of six assessments on children as part of a holistic planning process for supporting placement into family care. Findings from Child Assessments in Six Residential Institutions. In English and Romanian
A recent national study looking exploring knowledge, attitudes and practice on child reintegration, with particular focus on the issue of disability. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Reintegrating Children into Families. In English and Romanian.
A quick look at the process involved in closing one large institution. Accompanying video also available. Insights from Moldova: Closing of a Residential Institution. In English and Romanian.
A story of transition: Case Story of Transition: Transition of Residential Care for Children with Disabilities - Returning to the Original Vision of Community-Based Care
The impact of COVID-19: The Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Care: India