Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool (PDF Version)

Rebecca Nhep and Hannah Won - Better Care Network & Kinnected, an intitiative of ACC International Relief, with support from Changing the Way We Care

This tool aims to assist practitioners to achieve the following objectives when providing technical support to transition institutions:

  • Determine the feasibility of implementing a successful transition by taking into account the number of positive indicators and/or severity of risk indicators
  • Extract and analyze critical information that informs the approach and allows the practitioner to develop a strategic plan and budget for transition

The tool recognizes that because the starting point of each institution is different, there is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Tailored strategies need to be developed for each individual transition process, taking into account their unique dynamics. The tool has therefore been designed as an assessment framework that assists practitioners to identify and analyze these key starting point dynamics and determine the implications for strategy. In other words, it is a sense-making tool rather than a ready-made strategy. The tool can also be used on an evolving basis to help practitioners make sense of new information or indicators that arise throughout the transition process.

This tool is accompanied by four case studies:

Watch a recording of the introductory webinar for more information.

Also available:


