Protecting Children in Short-Term Missions: A Guidance Manual and Toolkit for Churches and Christian Organizations

ACCI Missions & Relief

This manual from ACCI International is designed to be used by those in the Christian Faith Community who are engaged in Short-Term Missions (STM), including those who send or receive STM teams. While the manual is focused on protecting children and families during STM programs, it is intended for all STM teams, as many teams will come into contact with children over the course of their mission trips. The “Manual Component” of the guide, on pages 7 to 54, “aims to introduce core concepts and thinking that influence the effectiveness of STM programs and their impact on children,” while the “Toolkit Component,” on pages 55 to 91, “provides you with practical tools and samples that will enable your organisation to readily apply the concepts in the manual to every stage of your STM program – from design, to recruiting and post trip debriefing.” The Manual discusses the Christian “Biblical Mandate” to protect children and asks STM participants to strongly consider the impact that STM programs will have on the safety and wellbeing of children.
