Hope and Homes for Children

Hope and Homes is a UK-based organization that works across Europe and Africa to support deinstitutionalisation and strengthen family-based care for children. Hope and Homes for Children is working alongside governments and civil society organisations in over 30 countries to dismantle orphanage-based care systems. 

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Hope and Homes for Children Logo

Where they operate

Headquarters Location

East Clyffe, Salisbury
United Kingdom

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


Hope and Homes is a UK-based organization that works across Europe and Africa to support deinstitutionalisation and strengthen family-based care for children. Hope and Homes for Children is working alongside governments and civil society organisations in over 30 countries to dismantle orphanage-based care systems. 

Organization Resources

India Alternative Care Network, Hope and Homes for Children, UNICEF - India

This document answers the most frequently asked questions surrounding family strengthening and alternative care in India while also addressing misconceptions around it. It aims to help practitioners, child protection workers and researchers to build their understanding of family strengthening and alternative care in India. This document has been developed in accordance with the Mission Vatsalya Guidelines.

Hope and Homes for Children

This report provides a framework for governments to develop their own roadmap for child protection and care system reform and deinstitutionalisation. The authors hope that it will inspire a conversation, guide inter-ministerial and cross society dialogue, support multidisciplinary groups at all levels to frame their own assessment, and plan their own roadmap for change.

Hope and Homes for Children

Au-delà des soins institutionnels fournit un cadre aux gouvernements pour développer leur propre feuille de route pour la réforme et la désinstitutionnalisation du système de protection et de garde des enfants. Nous espérons qu'il inspirera une conversation, guidera le dialogue interministériel et interprofessionnel, soutiendra les groupes multidisciplinaires à tous les niveaux pour encadrer leur propre évaluation et planifier leur propre feuille de route pour le changement.

Hope and Homes for Children

Más Allá del Cuidado Institucional proporciona un marco para que los gobiernos desarrollen su propia hoja de ruta para la reforma de sus sistemas de protección y cuidado infantil y la desinstitucionalización. Esperamos que esto inspire el diálogo, guíe las conversaciones entre grupos interministeriales y en la sociedad, oriente a grupos
multidisciplinarios de todos los niveles en la creación de su propia evaluación y ayude en la planificación de su propia hoja de ruta para el cambio.

Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children

These presentations from Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children were delivered during the August 20, 2021, workshop of the Care Measurement Task Force of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform. The focus of the workshop was child and family outcome measurement.

Hope and Homes for Children

This video tells the story of Kaloyan and Maria, twins who spent the first five months of their lives in an orphanage because social prejudice and poor health meant their parents could not care for them alone.

Hope and Homes for Children, Republic of Rwanda

This report presents the findings from the National Survey of Residential Centres for Children with Disabilities in Rwanda. The survey aimed at gathering comprehensive and disaggregated data related to residents’ characteristics, staff profile, and the minimum standards for the centres.

Hope and Homes for Children

This document outlines 5 key steps that serve as an effective blueprint for a successful reintegration process of children and disabilities. These include ‘engagement’, ‘Assessment’, ‘Design & Development’, ‘Transition’, and ‘Monitoring & Evaluation’.

Hope and Homes for Children, Republic of Rwanda, University of Rwanda

This study is part of the response to the global call for the provision of quality alternative family-based care and prevention of family separation for children with disabilities. The study is premised on the view that the knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding the attributes assigned to, and the conceptualization of, children with disabilities in their families and communities, vis-à-vis institutional care for children with disabilities, are also crucial determinants of barriers/ enablers of full and meaningful integration of children with disabilities into community life in Rwanda.

Hope and Homes for Children

This video tells the story of Georgi, a boy born with Down's Syndrome in Bulgaria whose parents were told they wouldn't be able to care for him and were encouraged to place him in an orphanage. They placed him in an orphanage and were later supported by Hope and Homes for Children to have him returned to their care.