
Displaying 1781 - 1790 of 14429

Lodi Lipien, Flandra Ismajli, Jennifer Wolgemuth,

This qualitative interview study assessed the pandemic’s impact on the educational experiences of foster youth in the United States from the perspectives of their caseworkers. Participant caseworkers discussed how the pandemic affected the academic progress and social/emotional development of youth in foster care and highlighted some challenges of online learning.

Plan International Asia-Pacific Regional Hub,

This toolkit developed by Plan International Asia-Pacific Regional Hub serves as a practical compendium of programming guidance for practitioners, and contributes to accelerating efforts to end child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU) by 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Anthony Bald, Joseph J. Doyle Jr., Max Gross, Brian Jacob,

This paper describes tradeoffs in child welfare policy in the United States and provides background on the latest trends in foster care practice to highlight areas most in need of rigorous evidence. These trends include efforts to prevent foster care on the demand side and to improve foster home recruitment on the supply side. With increasing data availability and a growing interest in evidence-based practices, there are opportunities for economic research to inform policies that protect vulnerable children.

Changing the Way We Care,

This case study focuses on kinship care in the Kenya context.

Changing the Way We Care,

These two case studies focus on kinship care: one describes kinship care in the Kenya context and the other describes family-based alternative care in Guatemala, including kinship care. They are meant to help practitioners better understand the practical implications of kinship and other forms of family-based alternative care and inform similar work in other contexts. These case studies have been produced by Changing the Way We CareSM, a global initiative implemented by Catholic Relief Services and Maestral International, and other global, national and local partners working together to change the way we care for children around the world.

European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE),

In response to requests for information, ECRE has compiled a non-exhaustive document of measures taken by European countries to address the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine (UA). The document provides country-by-country information regarding two main areas of policy and legal developments in response to arrivals from UA: the first part identifies measures adopted on entry/stay requirements, reception-related arrangements, as well as asylum procedures; the second part provides information on national measures implementing the Council implementing decision of the Temporary Protection Directive, or establishing other special statuses for persons fleeing Ukraine.


Cash assistance is allowing refugees from Ukraine to make their own decisions about what they need most after arriving in Poland and other countries in the region.

Laurel Wamsley - NPR,

The Biden administration is moving to end sweeping pandemic border restrictions known as Title 42 on May 23. The official announcement came Friday in an order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The number of Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russia's war in their country has crossed 4.1 million, the United Nations said Friday, adding: "This tragedy must stop".

Mixed Migration Centre,

Despite high risks en route and upon arrival, Rohingya movement to Malaysia continues. This snapshot focuses on the specific risks facing Rohingya women and children before leaving Myanmar or Bangladesh, during their journey, and upon arrival in Malaysia. MMC Asia has been conducting survey with Rohingya in Malaysia since January 2019 in order to better understand their migration experiences. This snapshot contributes to building a solid evidence base to inform targeted responses that improve protection for Rohingya refugees and inform advocacy efforts related to movements to Malaysia.