
Displaying 2951 - 2960 of 14432

Arjenvan Assen, Jana Knot-Dickscheit, Hans Grietens, Wendy Post - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this study was to investigate care activities and considerations related to the care provision of child-centered care for children growing up in families experiencing complex and multiple problems (FECMP).

Sung-Eun Lim - Korea Institute for Health & Social Affairs,

This brief discusses ways in which the roles and functions of Korea’s child welfare facilities should change to better meet the diverse needs of children in need.

Tonje Gundersen - Children & Society,

This paper explores how young people who have been in out‐of‐home care develop a positive agentic capacity.

Berenice Rushovich, Kristin Sepulveda, Victoria Efetevbia, Karin Malm - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article presents descriptive information on the 25 families that enrolled and received Success Coach services and 38 families in a control group using data from baseline and follow-up surveys and administrative data to examine safety, placement stability, and well-being.

Rajendra Rambajue & Christopher O’Connor - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This article combines insights from Beck’s individualization theory and Crenshaw’s intersectionality theory to enhance understandings of why youth transitioning out of the child welfare system experience risk of poor outcomes.

Cristina Colonnesi, Carolien Konijn, Leoniek Kroneman, Ramón J. L. Lindauer & Geert Jan J. M. Stams - Current Psychology,

The authors of this study examined caregivers’ mind-mindedness (their ability to adequately interpret their foster child’s internal mental states and behavior) in out-of-home care in the Netherlands, and the association among caregivers’ mind-mindedness (and its positive, neutral, and negative valence), recognition of the child’s trauma symptoms, and behavior problems.

Anduamlak Molla Takele, Messay Gebremariam Kotecho, Philip Mendes - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

This article presents the case for an independent care leaving policy in Ethiopia to address the multifaceted needs of children in care and improve the care leaving service in the country.

Lars Brännström and Sten‐Åke Stenberg - Child Abuse Review,

Through the lens of primary (ability‐driven explanations) and secondary (choice‐based explanations, conditional on educational performance) effects on social background differentials in educational attainment, longitudinal data from more than 14 000 Swedes (of which around 9% have been placed in out‐of‐home care (OHC)) were used to estimate the relative importance of these two basic explanatory processes.

Stephen J. Tueller, Deborah A. Gibbs & Marianne N. Kluckman - Journal of Human Trafficking ,

The authors of this study used two independent methods to estimate prevalence of sex trafficking victimization among with prior maltreatment and foster care placements in one state in the U.S.

Hannah Miller, Roseanna Bourke & Vijaya Dharan - International Journal of Inclusive Education ,

This paper presents the findings from an in-depth study exploring the educational experiences and self-determined educational successes of young people who spent time in foster care in New Zealand.