
Displaying 3781 - 3790 of 14435

Dorit Roer-Strier & Yochay Nadan,

This volume adopts a context-informed framework exploring risk, maltreatment, well-being and protection of children in diverse groups in Israel.

Zai Liang & Feinuo Sun - Demographic Research,

Capitalizing on a unique survey in China, the authors of this article aim to study the lasting educational and health consequences of parental migration on children.

Amon Exavery, John Charles, Erica Kuhlik, Asheri Barankena, Godfrey Martin Mubyazi, Levina Kikoyo, Elizabeth Jere - HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care,

This study examines how food insufficiency relates to HIV infection among caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Tanzania.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child members CPTCSA (Philippines), Paicabi (Chile) and Butterflies (India) come together to discuss the work they are doing to address child sexual abuse in their contexts.

World Health Organization (WHO),

This scientific brief examines the evidence to date on the risks of transmission of COVID-19 from an infected mother to her baby through breastfeeding as well as evidence on the risks to child health from not breastfeeding.

Qiushi Zhou, Shaolingyun Guo & Hui Jing Lu - Applied Research in Quality of Life,

This study examined rural children’s well-being, particularly their physical well-being, as functions of parental absence, family economic status, and neighborhood environment.

Daniel L. Cavanaugh, Carolyn G. Sutherby, Elizabeth Sharda, Anne K. Hughes, Amanda T. Woodward - Children and Youth Services Review,

This exploratory study provides early research to understand the relationship between levels of meaning-making and well-being in kinship caregivers.

Pamela Snow, Emina McLean and Margarita Frederico - Child Language Teaching and Therapy,

The aim of this study was to describe the language and literacy profiles of adolescents (aged 13–19) in out-of-home care (‘looked after children’) in Australia.

Shinwoo Choi, Soo-Jung Byoun, Eun Hee Kim - International Social Work,

This short essay presents unwed single mothers’ increased vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of childcare, financial crisis, and mental health.

Justin M Rogers, Victor Karunan - International Social Work,

This study examined deinstitutionalisation in Thailand. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a total of 27 child welfare practitioners and policy actors to explore their perceptions of Thai alternative care provision.