
Displaying 4031 - 4040 of 14435

Colleen Henry, Bryan G. Victor, Joseph P. Ryan, Brian E. Perron - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study extends our understanding of use of failure to protect (FTP), a sub-type of neglect, by examining who workers substantiate for FTP, in what context, and the justifications they use.

Alianza Global para Poner Fin a la Violencia en la Infancia, la Alianza para la Protección de la Infancia en Acción Humanitaria, UNICEF y la OMS/OPS,

Este webinar se organiza a tenor del lanzamiento de la nota técnica, COVID-19 y la Protección de la infancia contra la violencia, el abuso y el abandono en el hogar.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

In this episode of the Protected! Podcast, Hani Mansourian from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action talks to Selim Benaissa, Chief Technical Officer from the ILO on the Myanmar program for the elimination of child labour about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the program.

Elizabeth Rapa, Louise Dalton, Alan Stein - The Lancet,

In this comment from the Lancet, the authors explores how to communication to children about the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly when someone in the family is hospitalised for or dies from COVID-19.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR), Child Helpline International, and UNICEF,

The Alliance, the CP AoR, Child Helpline International and UNICEF are co-hosting this webinar to introduce the new guidance note on supporting children and families through a helpline service.

Inter-Agency Coalition,

This open letter calls on national governments and multilateral institutions to work immediately to strengthen ‘child protection in COVID-19’ response frameworks and to provide sufficient donor support to implement these responses effectively.


This document provides technical guidance for a variety of PEPFAR issues, including the care of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and will be updated routinely as the situation evolves.

Iida Kauhanen & Mervi Kaukko - Child & Family Social Work,

This integrative literature review studies well‐being of unaccompanied asylum‐seeking children through the three modes of recognition—love, rights and solidarity—as conceptualized by Axel Honneth.

Osob Elmi - BBC News,

"Somali foster carers in Bristol have called for others from the same background to join them" in becoming foster parents, according to this article from BBC News.

Validity Foundation, European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), International Disability Alliance (IDA), Disability Rights International (DRI), Disability Rights Unit at the Centre for Human Rights, International Disability and Development Consortium,

A coalition of six disability rights organisations has launched a major international monitoring initiative entitled “COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor” to conduct rapid independent monitoring of state measures concerning persons with disabilities.